Apr 21, 2020
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The world is an eerie place right now, and we’re all struggling our emotions. But if we let our feelings dictate our actions, we’ll spend our days in our pajamas, stuck in a state of fear. Listen in as Brooke shares three unexpected strategies to help you focus on WHY and WIN at quarantine life!
The world is an eerie place right now. And the isolation and uncertainty have us all struggling with a full range of emotions.
But if we let our feelings dictate our actions, we’ll spend quarantine in our pajamas, stuck in a state of fear.
So, what if we made choices based on our PURPOSE instead of our emotions? What would our days look like if we built our calendar around our VALUES?
On this edition of Inspo at Home, Brooke shares three unexpected strategies to help you WIN at quarantine life. She explains how investing in ourselves right now can give us hope for the future, challenging us to operate from a place of abundance despite the current uncertainty.
Brooke goes on to describe the connection between generosity and joy, discussing what we can do to give of our time and money—and get a little peace in return. Listen in for insight on how we can use this crisis to deepen our faith and learn how YOU can be the light in a dark time by focusing on your WHY!
Bethel Podcast: Kingdom Abundance 1
Bethel Podcast: Kingdom Abundance 2
Strong: Devotions to Live a Powerful and Passionate Life by Lisa Bevere